5 May 2011

Sweeping Away!

Just a quick update while Ian has nipped out to get us some fish & chips for dinner :)

Saw the midwife this morning, she did a second sweep for me in the hope of things getting started but wasn't entirely hopeful that it will, so we have been booked to go for induction on Monday 9th May if nothing happens over the weekend.

Really hoping Emily will get a move on this weekend as I'd much prefer a spontaneous birth than induction, but we shall see!

So please all send me labour thoughts :-)


  1. I will send you many labour thoughts this weekend. I will be honest though...I almost didn't make it to the hospital with my second baby. I started labour at 8:17am and had him at the hospital (so thankful it is close) at 8:51am. It was really scary because I had to pack up my step-daughter and my oldest son and drive over the bumpiest roads while contracting to get to the hospital. I will be saying many prayers that you have an easy labour (but at the hospital).

  2. Congratulations !!! I'm so happy that you met your little girl. I'm sure she is just beautiful and a true warrior. I am praying for a speedy recovery for her and you as well. You must take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of her so hang in there. It will be scary but it will only get better and the doctors here always told me that it will be bad before it can get better these kiddos are such fighters and Emily will be fighting strong as you are fighting right along her side.

    Take care.. can't wait to see pictures

  3. I really like your work
